
"My lips have always been dry and cracked. With O'Keeffe's Lip Repair, I apply once and how do my lips feel? Smooth, smooth, smooth!" - Rachel, Teacher


O'Keeffe's® 冰涼修護潤唇膏

Guaranteed Relief for Extremely Dry, Cracked Lips

O'Keeffe's® 修護潤唇膏與O'Keeffe's® 潤膚霜一樣,具有驚人的保濕效果,能有效快速地舒緩乾燥破裂的嘴唇,每天使用O'Keeffe's® 修護潤唇膏能:
- 使唇部一整天都濕潤無比
- 提供迅速修護,改善唇部脫皮的情況
- 形成保護屏障,全天候對抗乾燥
- 快速滲透唇部,使嘴唇變得柔軟


O'Keeffe's® 修護潤唇膏能為嘴唇形成多層修護屏障,提供全天候保護,且保濕力長達8小時,毋需經常反覆塗抹,效果持久,耐用實惠。


Apply to lips as needed. Stop use if irritation occurs. Protect this product from excessive heat and direct sun.

Representative Photos: Before and After Lip Images. Two-week usage period. Lip Balm was applied according to package directions. Results may vary.